Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finance Ministry Appointment

24/10/09--CHICAGO--Earlier today, His Sovereign Majesty informed the government of an expansion within the Finance Ministry which would 'greatly increase the activities of the Ministry and benefit the Kingdom economically,' he said. The new post, the Senior Advisor to His Sovereign Majesty on Economic Policy, shall be filled by Sir Nicholas Kelly, who is said to be very enthusiastic about the prospect of expanding Kemetian trade and free market opportunities over seas and at home.

With this announcement, Sir Nicholas will join Finance Minister Arran Marais-Gilchrist and Treasurer Charles Hughes at the Finance Ministry, and will also serve as the chair of the newly established Council of Economic Advisors, to be made up of senior financial policy-makers from across the Kingdom. While its composition is yet to be formally declared, Sir Nicholas Kelly is likely to include current members of the government, in a good-will gesture to his colleagues.

Currently, no full reports exist detailing the reasoning behind the appointment. However, Sir Nicholas is a well-known to have libertarian economic leanings, and it is suspected that His Sovereign Majesty may be trying to move the government in a more economically liberal direction, in contrast with his Prime Minister's official socialist policies.

'I'm very happy to join the government in this capacity and I'm looking forward to working with King Adam and his ministers to bring Kemetia into a new economic age, concentrating on improving business opportunities for private companies within Kemetia' said Kelly outside the Kemetian Consulate in Chicago this evening.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

BNP and Secession

23/10/09--CHICAGO--In an astonishing development, BNP leader Nick Griffin's recent appearance on British television's 'Question Time' has caused, contrary to statements of 'showing up' the Fascist leader by fellow panelists, a significant growth in his popularity, with 3,000 people joining the fringe party during and after the broadcast, BNP sources claim. In far more worrying figures, an independent opinion poll after the appearance suggest that 22% of those polled would definitely vote for the party in the future. Additionally, more than half of those polled said they 'agreed [with the party and] thought the party had a point in speaking up for the interests of indigenous white' Britons, according to the BBC. These remarkably large figures have caused the Kemetian government to re-evaluate its stance of non-interference in wider British political affairs.

'The criminal Fascistic Entity whom Griffin represents poses a grave threat to the integrity of the historical homeland of the Kemetian people and the liberty of the British people to live in a free and multicultural society', said His Sovereign Majesty in a phone conversation earlier today. 'Our country is entirely made up of immigrants, who have voluntarily decided to live under our jurisdiction. We are, quite obviously, seen by the BNP as a seditious element, and thus they are a legitimate threat to our country and lifestyle.'

It is currently unclear what the King and the National Cabinet will decide to do about the rising number of BNP supporters, but His Sovereign Majesty was clear about any genuine threat to national integrity and also made a promise: 'If the Fascistic Entity physically encroaches upon the rights and powers of our country and community, we will have no choice but to retaliate democratically and forcibly against these agents of evil. I also pledge that any British citizens who are discriminated against on any basis by the Fascistic Entity will be granted residence in the Kingdom until we have combated this threat to liberty. I only hope that sanity will once again dawn within the minds of any minor supporters of the Entity, and allow them to make the right choice, the true choice: the choice of freedom--to abandon those who would have the fundamental rights crushed beneath their jackboots and extinguish the vibrancy of my society and their own.'

His Sovereign Majesty has also vowed to bring about free and fair elections by the end of the year saying that the Kemetian people 'deserve to choose their representatives in all future matters.'

Thursday, October 15, 2009

'A strong and positive relationship...'

14/10/09--CHICAGO--As the stable and most illustrious government has been established at home, His Sovereign Majesty has emphasised the need for broader ties with the New World. 'It is in are interest to construct a strong and positive relationship with the Americas, and expand our peaceful presence in the region' said the King, speaking from his Chicago offices today.

While Kemetian analysts have interpreted his comments as generally promoting a peaceful and lasting relationship with the American continents, some foreign commentators have been skeptical, saying his remarks are typical of the increasingly aggressive and expansionist stance of the government during recent months. While His Sovereign Majesty has assured the Tribune that these criticisms are baseless, this news outlet will support the right, generously granted by the Most Magnificent Leader, of people to free and open speech and criticism.

Further questions were posed late yesterday, when the King consulted with Prime Minister Lloyd-Davies for the first time in many weeks on a secret channel from his offices. It is suspected that the Prime Minister may join the King in the Americas to promote peaceful secession and development of small nations, but the Prime Ministry has declined to comment on the matter.

In other news, there has been debate within the local communities of Kemetia as to the vast reduction in political representation over the past month. Well-known agitators have stirred up issues in some northern provinces, but as yet, no civil disturbances have been reported. The Defence Ministry issued a statement reiterating its commitment to assuring civil obedience, as did the General Intelligence Department, which threatened harsh measures against the agitators. In a rare move, His Sovereign Majesty said he did not approve of these extraordinary measures, and urged the independent members of these bodies to be 'less zealous and more understanding.' His Sovereign Majesty is absolutely dedicated to democracy and will not be deterred by anti-secessionists and hard-line elements. 'Some of the extremists on both sides will always want to be heard and recognised. I will not afford them this privilege' proclaimed the King.

Although we hope no disturbances to occur, we ask citizens to be vigilant of any anti-national activities and dangers.